
Posts from the ambient Category

Puzzle Facade brings the experience of solving a Rubik’s cube to the urban space. It transforms the Ars Electronica’s media facade, into a giant Rubik’s cube, inviting passers-by to engage with an interactive experience that takes place in the city of Linz (Austria).

Lovely work by Ogilvy Paris for IBM. Finally advertising not being used only to spam people but outdoor advertising with a purpose: a bench, a shelter and a ramp that are not only designed to be beautiful, but to be useful to city dwellers as well

This is just brilliant! Self-aware glowing ice-cubes that beat to the ambient music. The electronics inside the ice-cubes know how fast and how much you are drinking. The cubes change color from green to orange to finally red as you keep drinking beyond the safety limit. If things get out of control, the cubes send a text to your close friend using your smartphone. Created by Dhairya Dand

How fast is fast enough to win a marathon? ASICS dares you to race this ad. Via digitalbuzz

Carlsberg stunts in Belgium with 148 bikers in a movie theatre.
Some innocent couples want to take their seat, but the room is filled with not-so- friendly gentlemen… How will they react?

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