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Scott Kim the famous puzzle designer takes us inside the puzzle-maker’s frame of mind! A very interesting and very informative presentation!

Fleet Foxes – A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Music video by the Fleet Foxes, it dates a year back but it is soooooo brilliant ! It so unique because today you don’t hear often music that is based  so much on vocal harmonies! I think this is what make the Fleet Foxes so cool

Box Animation from Jordan Clarke on Vimeo.

What mind bending idea this is ! Just freaking amazing 🙂 It is a “3D animation presented as an Event installation using matchmoving and compositing techniques”! Make sure thought that you watch it all !

Cool looking porcelain cups,via packaging of the world! What an amazing concept idea this is

Not Paper Cup was originally published on The Curious Brain