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Mayer & Leyva created an entire music video for the amazing     Glazin song by the Jacuzzi Boys, from singing vaginas! Yeap singing vaginas!! Certainly one of the most weird music videos you will ever ever see! You have been warned! View at your own risk 🙂

A few days old! Via Mashable

Cool Rainbows ‘Reality and A Clue’ from the album Whale Rocket. Directed by Andrew de Freitas via yvynyl’s MINI TRENDS from

In a world of global hyper-consumption and creative destruction, there are now more consumer trends than you can swing a stick at. Here’s just a small selection of ‘mini’ consumer and business trends that are currently on’ radar

“Once you know what you’re doing, it’s not as good,” says legendary designer Paula Scher in this 99U talk about ignoring the creative brief & charting your own course.

This is extremely well-made and very very true! We live in a ridiculously hyper fast pace life where information is exchanged so rapidly that it makes us feel inadequate and drains our attention span.Not partaking in the aforementioned social media makes everyone feel like an outsider looking in on how hyper frequent society uses its sacred social media….Created by ABOVE

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