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SANTA SHOULD NOT BE A WHITE MAN ANYMORE! Santa should be whatever color you want him to be! I like mine purple 🙂

they laugh and do crazy stuff i have seen them online! they go to a place called youtube.. Yes let’s sell beer to them they are idiots and they will buy it .Bore me more Carlton beer #helloyourbeercommercialssuck. via adfreak

Another crappy Friday night! This is a film for everyone who has ever been on a shit night out. WARNING: Contains strobing, flashing lights! Directed by Bjorn-Erik

The latest on the series by Kirby Ferguson  although I was hoping that it will be a bit better than this!! What happened  Kirby?? Plus  advertising within it your next video series  is  not  cool either . You used to be  way out there pls don’t sell out now.. I’m just saying

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