
Search results for Fleet Foxes

Fleet Foxes – A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Music video by the Fleet Foxes, it dates a year back but it is soooooo brilliant ! It so unique because today you don’t hear often music that is based  so much on vocal harmonies! I think this is what make the Fleet Foxes so cool
Fleet Foxes live at ACL stage!! Sooo good

John Frank Lyke had to wait for just the right snowfall to create this music video for fleet foxes and we are all glad that he did! Enjoy

John Frank Lyke had to wait for just the right snowfall to create this music video for fleet foxes and we are all glad that he did! Enjoy

Great sounds by the Fleet Foxes, from their album Helplessness Blues! Directed by Sean Pecknold

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