
Search results for music phil

An alternate music video treatment to Royksopp‘s Forever by Phillip Sage! Enjoy 🙂

An alternate music video treatment to Royksopp’s Forever by Phillip Sage! Enjoy 🙂

Official music video of The Weekend People’s new single, ‘We Are Police’. The brilliant clip you see was produced by Sarah Phillips and Lachlan Dean! You can download the song for free from here! Enjoy 🙂
Official music video of The Weekend People’s new single, ‘We Are Police’. The brilliant clip you see was produced by Sarah Phillips and Lachlan Dean! You can download the song for free from here! Enjoy 🙂

A music video for Boy in Static made with TextEdit and free animated GIF clip art. Directed by Alexander Chen & Philip !! Crazy good!!

Unofficial fan made music video for Cut Copy’s latest single “Corner Of The Sky”! Created by Lee Lovino! Footage taken from Contact, Baraka, Planet Earth, Sam O’Hare, Philip Bloom & Duncan Sharp. Enjoy 🙂

The Happiest Boy from David Blumenstein on Vimeo.

A lovely animated music video by David Blumenstein for the first single off The Bedroom Philosopher‘s 2008 album “Brown & Orange”! Very cool!

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