
Search results for iphone



“The Life and Death of an iPhone” is shot entirely on an iPhone, edited on the iPhone about what it’s like to be an iPhone. Seen entirely from the phone’s point-of-view beginning with its inception through its life… death… and ultimately its reincarnation. This is not a PSA. By Paul Trillo

Blue Man Group Unboxing the iPhone 6 was originally published on The Curious Brain

The latest on the series by Kirby Ferguson  although I was hoping that it will be a bit better than this!! What happened  Kirby?? Plus  advertising within it your next video series  is  not  cool either . You used to be  way out there pls don’t sell out now.. I’m just saying

hahaha so very true! Via thisadvertisinglife

Simply hilarious Jimmy Kimmel proves that no one really cares about iPhone anymore or it proves that a large portion of people are still idiots.. you decide…

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