
Posts tagged art

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cubism from Robert Gordon on Vimeo.

This is a very creative short film inspired by the likes of Picasso, Braque and Duchamp and capturing the visual essence and techniques of Cubism.

cubism was originally published on The Curious Brain

Metropolis by Rob Carter – Last 3 minutes from Rob Carter on Vimeo.

A lovely piece of work by Rob Carter! More info about this fantastic artwork here

Cattleya from ben crowell on Vimeo.

Amazing object composition, very beautiful! The music is “Elephant Parade” and “Peer Pressure” by Jon Brion

Ocean of Light from squidsoup on Vimeo.

This is one of the most amazing installations I have seen lately! “Ocean of Light is an ongoing research project that explores the creative and immersive possibilities of light-based visuals in physical 3D space – essentially dynamic sculptures made of light. Imagine walking through a space filled with countless points of light, each one contributing to a large moving image that appears all around you, and reacting to you and others.”

The Harmonic Center of the Universe from Jesse Stiles on Vimeo.

A beautiful sonified light emitting sculpture by Chris Harvey, Olivia Robinson, & Jesse Stiles!

Leberkäse from Rafael Mayrhofer on Vimeo.

Katja’s and Rafael’s amazing food art! Audio by Roland Keil

Polychromie from Carrementdard on Vimeo.

This is just awesome …a painting in movement! An experimental video about bubbles colours on a music by the Archive! Breathtaking ..I love it when simple things can look so spectacular!

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