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This is simply hilarious is an interactive work of art from Swedish band Fulkultur. Visit their website to create your own Ugly Dancer 🙂

What an amazing piece of on-line advertising by Tippex! Just brilliant! A big thanks to Panos for bringing this to my attention

You should definitely check out Arcade Fire’s new interactive HTML5 music experience “The Wilderness Downtown”!!!!! The interactive clip requires Google Chrome and it was created by Chris Milk featuring the song We Used to Wait from their latest album, The Suburbs! Very Very cool!! To go to the site just click the image above! Via USAtoday

What a brilliant and creative use of chat roulette!!!! Big thumbs up to the people behind this!

Guggenheim and youtube launch a search for the world’s most creative online video! Learn how you can take part on this by clicking here! A jury of experts will decide which works will be shown at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

If you love your handwriting then you are so going to love this! Go to, turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends. Awesome or what? Created by by Grey Barcelona ! A big thanks to Alex for bringing this to my attention


I have just stumbled upon this awesome website the vintage ad browser and boy I was impressed! It has a massive collection of ads   that dates back to 1910!  Look how weird some of them are …others are probably illegal nowadays! Its nice to learn from the past ( and not to repeat the same mistakes)  so if you have some time to spend make sure that you check it out! More vintage ads here

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