
Search results for color

Grizzly Man from marit karlsen / trust me records on Vimeo.

Rockettothesky directed by Tundra! Great song! A big thanks to Lorenzo for bringing this to my attention 🙂

DJ Shadow – This Time from Myk Dawg on Vimeo.

Myk Dawg for DJ Shadow an awesome song and video from a few year back !

Super Baozi vs Sushi man from sun haipeng on Vimeo.

Hilarious 🙂 by Sun Haipeng!

Google Toy Story 3 Search On: The Discovery from Lorraine Yurshansky on Vimeo.

Andy’s going to college. The toys are nervous. In the meantime, they discover Google! Awesome or what ?

train…train from Baptiste Sola on Vimeo.

A wonderful little animation with very interesting character design by Baptiste Sola

Big Apple Fornicators from Dan Meth on Vimeo.

Another wonderful animation by Dan Meth this one takes “Sex in the City” into a strange new dimension 🙂

edison – tonka truck from edison on Vimeo.

No loops running….64 buttons.. 64 Edison

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