
Search results for color

STUFF & THINGS. from Jack Cunningham on Vimeo.

An excellent animated film about stuff and things by Jack Cunningham!

‘YEKPARE’ (monolithic) from nerdworking on Vimeo.

Yekpare is a storyteller which narrates the 8500 year story of Istanbul.Art Direction & Visuals by Deniz Kader & Candaş Şişman! Music by Görkem Şen! Just awesome!

The Huber Experiments – Vol. 1 from The Upthink Lab on Vimeo.

A wonderful experiment by The Upthink Lab filmed on the Phantom HD @ 960fps. Visuals by Matthew & Erik Huber. Audio by Brian Slusher.

The Huber Experiments – Vol. 1 from The Upthink Lab on Vimeo.

A wonderful experiment by The Upthink Lab filmed on the Phantom HD @ 960fps. Visuals by Matthew & Erik Huber. Audio by Brian Slusher.

The Huber Experiments – Vol. 1 was originally published on The Curious Brain

Florian from Andrew Gibbs on Vimeo.

Two lovers meet one another on a bridge. All is well until tragedy rises from the water! A wonderful cut out animation by Andrew Gibbs! The music you hear is by Cocorosie

Very very interesting! A must see for all designers!Sponsored by Fashion Optics

Near Space Balloon Flight, shot with HD HERO cameras from GoPro from Kevin Macko on Vimeo.

This is so very cool! Balloon footage beautifully captured! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

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