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MARS! from Joe Bichard on Vimeo.

An incredible animated short narrative about human interplanetary exploration by Joe Bichard! Very very cool! Sponsored by Fashion Optics


Margherita Premuroso’s fantastic animated short film for her graduation diploma in Animation Mentor

Part pencil, part drumstick ….now besides writing you can also drum away 🙂 Lovely product concept! You can buy it from here ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

OK its official now everyone has made a Gaga video! Note to the parents out there! Pls pls do not make videos with your babies and children and then release them on-line! The internet is full of pervs!!! As one youtuber comments “how old is the little girl here? damn, this is bad. pedophiles are going to love this. poor kid.” Sponsored by Fashion Optics


FOals directed by Dave Ma! Very strange and very awesome at the same time! A bit sarcastic at times 🙂 The song on the other hand is just wicked! Enjoy 🙂

Cocci from Ahmed on Vimeo.

I love it when random events can look so beautiful! This has nothing special to it is just a ladybug doing what a ladybug does … flying around! Moreover everything can look stunning with the right music ,this one  is Often A Bird by Wim Mertens!  Just brilliant ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

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