
Search results for color

Hand from Above – Tokyo from Chris O'Shea on Vimeo.

“Inspired by Land of the Giants and Goliath, we are reminded of mythical stories by mischievously unleashing a giant hand from the BBC Big Screen. Passers by will be playfully transformed” More info about this here ! While make sure you also check the photos from the even on flicker here

TSPS Hopscotch @ Eyebeam from labatrockwell on Vimeo.

Ever wondered how an augmented game of hopscotch would look like??The LAB at Rockwell Group created just that 🙂 Sponsored by Fashion Optics

Lovely and very fresh paintings by Paul Senyol! A big thanks to Lea for bringing Paul’s work to my attention! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

FOals directed by Dave Ma! Very strange and very awesome at the same time! A bit sarcastic at times :-) The song on the other hand is just wicked! Enjoy :-)

Miami was originally published on The Curious Brain

Fight Club Rules from Hexagonall on Vimeo.

Shortfilm based on Fight Club Gallery on Suicide Girls by Hexagonall ! ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

Fight Club Rules from Hexagonall on Vimeo.

Shortfilm based on Fight Club Gallery on Suicide Girls by Hexagonall ! ! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

Fight Club Rules was originally published on The Curious Brain

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

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