130 horror classics in less than 3 min!A groovy/terrifying mashup of the best horror movies ever made. via buzzfeed
Search results for Mash up
Star Wars Vs. Doctor Who Mashup Oncoming Storm
Geek brain porn and superb editing created by OViolentDarkKnightO! The storyline: What if Yoda and Obi-wan never meet Luke, what would he do? Will the Doctor be able to help Luke save the alliance? [I don’t want to give too much away so watch the trailer and the rest of the story should unfold] I did, however, leave the ending open for your own interpretation. This should be made a movie
Star Wars Vs. Doctor Who Mashup Oncoming Storm
Geek brain porn and superb editing created by OViolentDarkKnightO! The storyline: What if Yoda and Obi-wan never meet Luke, what would he do? Will the Doctor be able to help Luke save the alliance? [I don’t want to give too much away so watch the trailer and the rest of the story should unfold] I did, however, leave the ending open for your own interpretation. This should be made a movie
Daft Punk – Inception Mashup
A big thanks to George for sending me this awesome mashup created by Jack Conte, of Daft Punk’s “Derezzed” and some themes from Hans Zimmer’s “Inception” soundtrack.This mashup is a VideoSong, a new medium with 2 rules
1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds).
Anatomy of a mashup Definitive Daft Punk
Cameron Adams – Definitive Daft Punk by thecuriousbrain
If you read this blog you probably already know that I have a thing for mash ups! “Mashups is the art of mixing multiple songs into one continuous song, is a subtle art. When a mashup is done well, you often can’t hear all of the different songs merging into one, because it’s so fluid. Cameron Adams, aka The Man in Blue, visualizes his own mashup Definitive Daft Punk, to show just what goes into the piece” So click the image above and see the whole process you can even download his amazing mash up song for free !! Via flowingdata
Prodigy vs Gorillaz mashup
Prodigy vs Gorillaz – Stepx bootleg – “Invaders Comes Today” from Yann Guyot on Vimeo.
An awesome mashup of Gorillaz’s “Stepx bootleg” and Prodigy’s “Invaders Comes Today” by Yann Guyot! Enjoy 🙂 Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Electric feel … mashup!
MGMT VS Justice ..homemade by Pontus Lindin, lovely stuff !