
Search results for halloween

Scary experiential advertising for SAW VII! A 3D Photo Booth was set up in a cinema foyer, advertising free Halloween photos. What was waiting for unsuspecting moviegoers when they stepped into the booth was more than just a camera snap! Imagine one of the moviegoers having a heart attack then it would be really scary for the people behind this 🙂

scary faces from Vitùc on Vimeo.

Beautiful scary halloween faces by Vitùc

When witches go riding,and black cats are seen,the moon laughs and whispers,‘tis near Halloween”!
The Heath Pumpkin is  via quoteskin

Damn even as a zombie I look good! 🙂 Go get zombified for Halloween here

Halloween is just around the corner..Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson! 🙂 via gocomics

Eric Testroete has been working as a 3d artist in the Vancouver game industry for 9 years and has one of the most interesting porfolios I have seen lately! The images above are his paper craft costume for Halloween 2009 look how awesome it looks !!! Go get inspired here

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