Inspired by McBess Wood, this animated video clip for the band named “King the Fu” is the diploma thesis of Frank Patzke and Max Birkl at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Department of Design. Very very cool… well done to them ๐
Archive for
A new year :-)
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson! ๐
Everything From Your Hands
The fantastic song you hear is by Porcelain Raft! Video by The Tearist who managed to create this from various scenes from “Screentests” by Andy Warhol.!! Very very nice
This is soooooooooooo very good! La blogotheque and Vincent Moon present BEIRUT!! Great stuff
Tron-ified Modern Times
Too freaking cool not to share! Nick Tierce Tron-ified Modern Times for For the Ain’t It Cool Contest!! Just brilliant …I only wish it was a bit longer in duration ๐
New York Times Magazine – Year In Ideas
The Long-Life-Span Smartphone…for all of you that you simply dont want to change your phone every other year! Created by Sean Pecknold!Check out all the Ideas here
Skype for iPhone
Way bizarre advertising for skype that proves that white people cant dance ๐