
Posts tagged 3d animation

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OCCUPATION: Movements II & III (Syscape#4) from Eric Schockmel on Vimeo.

An incredible 3D animated short by Eric Schockmel that deals with deals with an ecological narrative, visually reminiscent of video game design and science-fiction.!!!

《臭屁,電梯》Fart in Elevator from Daway Wang on Vimeo.

Fart in Elevator” is a hillarious animated student work presented by the Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts of The Taiwan University of Arts. This short film was advised by Professor Wei-Chung Chang. Make sure that you check the making of video below


Walkman vs Hoover

Stuff vs Stuff ‘Walkman vs Hoover’ from Sumo Science on Vimeo.

Can vs Sprouts

Stuff vs Stuff ‘Can vs Sprouts’ from Sumo Science on Vimeo.

Stuff fighting stuff ! This is just awesome! A very very cool animation by Aardman, directed by Sumo Science!

Botzilla from Haugen Creative on Vimeo.

This one just cracked me up! Botzilla destroying a city! More info about here ! Make also sure that you also check catzilla in case you haven’t seen it yet!

Corridor. from Dos Santos Nelson on Vimeo.

In a hospital, a man falls into a coma. A wonderful animated short film by 3 students Gelson Da Costa N’ganga, Fernando Da Graça & Nelson Dos Santos! Lovely stuff 🙂 Sponsored by Fashion Optics

San Miguel Primavera Sound 2010 from 8deagosto on Vimeo.

This is incredible! 8deagosto´s last production directed by No-Domain for the Primavera Sound Rock festival in Barcelona! The tag line translates to Feel the music like never before! Lovely stuff !! Sponsored by Fashion Optics

Avatar Days from Piranha Bar on Vimeo.

The daily lives of four Dublin gamers contrast with their virtual identities. Sponsored by Fashion Optics

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