
Search results for the knife

Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.

‘Coalition of the Willing’ is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an online war against global warming in a ‘post Copenhagen’ world.Directed and produced by Knife Party, written by Tim Rayner and crafted by a network of 24 artists from around the world using varied and eclectic film making techniques.

Magic Flashlights from Mike Benson on Vimeo.

I dont know how on earth I managed to miss this one! Its incredible, and dates about a year back! Knife Show Inc and friends uncover a strange phenomenon at Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood. Shot and edited by Mike Benson. Starring Brendan Hayes, Eli weiner, Scott Stevens, Chris Beresford, Matty Mo, Jesse Burtner, and Casey Wrightsman! More info here

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