
Search results for color

Digital Analogue from ftjelly on Vimeo.

“This short film is made entirely with stop motion animation, with over six thousand still photos shot and then edited together”! ftjelly composed a piece of music made entirely from sounds recorded from a collection of antique cameras. The result is quite impressive

Madder Mortem – Where Dream & Day Collide from Toxic™ on Vimeo.

Madder Mortem directed by Christian Ruud & Kim Holm
! An amazing animated music video for you to see, very impressive!

What Goes Up (The Desert) from Patrick Lawler on Vimeo.

A beautiful acrobatic film by Patrick Lawler! All the stunts were done out there in the sand on location, no greenscreen was used! Simply amazing

Wheel Time from Tom Judd on Vimeo.

This is a lovely animation by Tom Judd in which the world falls apart as the inhabitants drastically underestimate the significance of one man! Quite cool 🙂

CCTV Ink from on Vimeo.

Lovely work by MMIA for CCTV – Central China Television!

PIRATES!!! “The Curse of the Evil Eye” from Rémy Tornior & Yves Geleyn on Vimeo.

A lovely little animation with amazing character design created & directed by Yves Geleyn & Remy Tornior!

Ida Walked Away from takcom™ on Vimeo.

Awesome music video for the Portland band Pea of the sea, directed by Takafumi Tsuhiya

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