
Search results for color

Your secret from Jean-Sebastien Monzani on Vimeo.

Your secret is a wonderful short film by Jean-Sebastien Monzani! Make sure you see this! It is simply breath taking!

Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty from Darragh O'Connell on Vimeo.

This wonderful animation directed by Nicky Phelan was short-listed for the 2010 Oscar for Best Animated Short Film!! Amazing!! More information about this here

Kirin-Sugoma from wit studios on Vimeo.

Work by DENTSU Japan for Kirin Sugoma! Make sure that you check the making of video below ! Does anyone know what this product is, what it does to you and why you have to look like a horse to drink it ?? Way bizarre ! I just got a reply from the creators … this product is a kind of energy drink with coffee!! This now totally explains the horses ๐Ÿ™‚

KIRIN-SUGOMA Making Of from wit studios on Vimeo.

Robyn – Hang With Me official video from Robyn on Vimeo.

New music video from Robyn! Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

If i… from Tim Brown on Vimeo.

A young woman with an over exaggerated sense of imagination! What a brilliant short film by Tim Brown!

The Battery Menace from Mysh Mashko on Vimeo.

A lovely animation by Mysh and Mashko about used batteries that turn against the human race! Can recycling helps us??? Great stuff


In our days everything is pimp-able. Even our own planet. A wonderful trailer for a game trailer by Studio Smack in which the possibilities of playing God are explored! Great stuff!

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