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Wonderful music video directed by Chris Marrs Piliero for Eric Hutchinson! Enjoy 🙂

Interpolation from Melissa Fuss on Vimeo.

When Melissa was a little a kid, when it rained she was staring at the ripples the drops created until her eyes crossed and the water surface changed to something else!! Now she is a grown up and has created this amazing video !

Concert from Mayki on Vimeo.

Mayki has created these wonderful animated orchestra men!

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson!

Wonderful music video directed by Chris Marrs Piliero for Eric Hutchinson! Enjoy :-)

Ok It’s Alright With Me was originally published on The Curious Brain

An awesome song for an amazing and way trippy video!!”Film star Michael Cera hallucinates through a bad trip in this clip from indie rockers Islands. Directed by TV Carnage’s Derrick Beckles.”

Eric has some really fascinating photos for you to see in his on-line portfolio! None of the pictures are manipulated in any way and this makes them even more impressive! Go get inspired here

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