Runner II from Tommy Vad Flaaten on Vimeo.
This an amazing short movie made by Tommy and Markus Vad Flaaten! They drew a total of over 1500 characters, and the result is awesome! Lovely stuff 🙂
Runner II from Tommy Vad Flaaten on Vimeo.
This an amazing short movie made by Tommy and Markus Vad Flaaten! They drew a total of over 1500 characters, and the result is awesome! Lovely stuff 🙂
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Ok that was fucking cool
Anyone else get the feeling the guys who made this played a lot of Sonic videogames?
If someone flames them for “NOT” having a life, just remember that you were smiling the whole time you saw this. 😀
this would be a pretty BA video game
Pretty boring..
Any Art > Line Rider > This
I would love to play this as a video game. Many hours of fun would be had.
thats pretty awesome! did you use any software for that?
@ aurora you should direct this request here http://WWW.VFTWINS.COM/
LOL that was halariours!!! but dude you have waaaayyy too much time on your hands!!
nice song.
@Will Burns
Google Line Rider it’s pretty much the same and its a game.
That was so cool!
Really original stop motion video 😀
Must’ve taken hours! Well done!
That was sweet, all it needs now is a “lemmings” explosion and run it in reverse.
Very cool!
Well done!