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Here’s a Hard Truth

If your brand disappeared today, would anyone notice? Would they care? For most brands, the answer is a quiet, uncomfortable “no.”

That silence? It’s the sound of playing it safe.

You’ve seen them: brands that blend into the background like beige wallpaper in a forgotten hallway. Their logos are inoffensive. Their messages are sanitized. Their personalities are… do they even have one?

But you’re not here to be another shade of beige, are you?

The Mediocrity Tax

Every day your brand chooses to play it safe, you’re paying a tax. Not in euros, but in missed opportunities, forgotten impressions, and lukewarm loyalty. This mediocrity tax compounds daily, and its interest rate is brutal.

Safe brands don’t fail spectacularly. They fade gradually, becoming irrelevant so slowly they barely notice. Like a frog in boiling water, they sit comfortably numb until it’s too late.

The marketplace doesn’t need another “professional” brand that speaks in corporate jargon. It doesn’t need another startup promising “innovation” while following the herd.

Weird is the New Black

Here’s what the world actually needs: Your weird.

That strange idea you’ve been sitting on? The one that makes you slightly uncomfortable? That’s your edge. That’s your opportunity.

Think about the brands you love. The ones you remember. They’re probably a little odd, aren’t they? They zigged when others zagged. They said something different when everyone else was reading from the same script.

Tesla didn’t try to make a slightly better car. They reimagined what a car could be.
Airbnb didn’t create a better hotel chain. They asked why we needed hotels at all.

Find Your Tribe

“But what if people don’t like us being different?”


Your brand isn’t for everyone. It’s for someone. The moment you accept this, everything changes.

When you stand for something specific, you attract people who believe what you believe. These aren’t just customers. They’re your tribe. They don’t just buy from you; they defend you. They champion you.

And here’s the paradox: the weirder and more specific you are, the more fiercely your tribe will love you.

Making the Leap

So how do you embrace your weird? Start here:

Ask yourself, “What would we do if we weren’t afraid of standing out?”
Find the thing about your brand that makes people raise their eyebrows—and double down on it.
Identify the industry clichés in your space—and do the exact opposite.
Speak like a human, not a brand. What would you say over coffee with a friend?
Make one bold choice today. Just one. Then make another tomorrow.

The future doesn’t belong to the brands with the biggest budgets. It belongs to the ones with the biggest imagination.

The ones willing to be a little weird, a little brave.

The safe road is crowded. The weird road? That’s where the magic happens.

So, I’ll ask you again: If your brand disappeared tomorrow, would anyone notice?

Make sure the answer is yes.
Make sure they’d miss you like crazy.
Make sure your weird makes a dent in the universe.

Because playing it safe? That’s the riskiest move of all.


A Foresight Report for Bacardi



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