Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.
A brilliant animation with lovely character design! Absolutely phenomenal and extremely inspiring!
Second Wind from Ian Worrel on Vimeo.
A brilliant animation with lovely character design! Absolutely phenomenal and extremely inspiring!
Free Falling from Maria Bowskill on Vimeo.
Absolutely breathtaking !! Make sure you see this!
Record Makers Promo from CreativeApplications.Net on Vimeo.
Amazing! Most men will definitely find this to be totally hypnotic
Record Makers Promo was originally published on The Curious Brain
Free Falling from Maria Bowskill on Vimeo.
Absolutely breathtaking !! Make sure you see this!
Free Falling was originally published on The Curious Brain
BMW chose this viral to promote its new bike! Don’t try this at home with your dishes 🙂
THE BEAST FILE: GOOGLE from Hungry Beast on Vimeo.
I don’t have a clue on whether Google is the mean beast or not ..but the graphics on this are awesome!Graphics by Patrick Clair, written/presented by Elmo Keep.
Jean Malek ‘snapshots’ will definitely surprise you! Plus his website is just incredible! Go get inspired here