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MSTRKRFT – Featuring John Legend from vincent haycock on Vimeo.

This is a bit old but still very an awesome video and song by MSTRKRFT’s featuring John Legend! Everything about this is just brilliant! Lovely stuff

Heartbreaker was originally published on The Curious Brain

Teague Radioball from ben collette on Vimeo.

This so cool!”The Radioball is an exploratory device that encourages discovery through rich spatial interactionf”! Old analog radios are just so boring in relation to this one! The Radioball, was conceived and built by Teague’s Benoit Collette and Adam Kumpf, More information about it here and here

Teague Radioball was originally published on The Curious Brain

Typographic tribute to George Carlin from Noisy Neighbor on Vimeo.

Another awesome typographic tribute to George Carlin ! Created by Noisy Neighbor

Dirty words was originally published on The Curious Brain

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