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A wonderful video by fiilmaker, Andrea Dorfman, and poet/singer/songwriter, Tanya Davis. Amazing!
It is about sex from a woman’s point of view. Very explicit, very funny and very educational 🙂 Directed and animated by Signe Baumane

What would happen if you replaced Cee-Lo’s “Fuck You” with the opera scene in The Shawshank Redemption?

Bag Raiders directed by Kris Moyes. What a lovely sound and what an interesting video these guys have! Enjoy 🙂

Chromeo – Don’t Turn The Lights On from Modular People on Vimeo.

Brand new video from the lovely Chromeo from their upcoming third LP, ‘Business Casual’ out on Modular Recordings !

The title gives everything away! Star Wars without special effects!

via quoteskin

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