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Official music video for ‘The Stampede’ by Biting Elbows, directed and Edited by Ilya Naishuller! Yeap im still at work ๐Ÿ™

This one just cracked me up! Passing pedestrians become pinball play!! I super love it! Created by Aaron Hughes. A big thanks to Filipe for bringing this to my attention

Absolutely magnificent! New song by Keaton Henson ! The superb video you see was David Wilson! Painfully good

How kids see money! Another brilliant animation from Flickerpix and the BBC series “Days Like This! Great stuff

Teams vs. Star Slinger! New official video directed by Jon Casey!!

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson! ๐Ÿ™‚

Very interesting music video by Julian Lynch! Directed by Ezra Ewen

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