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Im so glad to stumble upon this song today! Blitzen Trapper directed by Daniel Elkayam from a few years back !!! So addictive!
This is from a few years back! Patrick Watson directed by Alex Produkt and Kathleen Weldon!! Just perfect

A lovely domino animation created by Ronda + Sonni

What an interesting agency promo!! Very creative unlike many of those we have seen by the bigger agencies! Well done people at fold7! If you ever want a cool planner let me know 🙂

Social Business Planning

View more presentations from Edelman Insights

Edelman’s approach and methodology for doing business in a connected age. Interesting to say the least

Marko Manev’s latest instalment of his Marvel Minimalist Posters series

Snowmen… On Ice Calvin and Hobbes style! Check the making of video here . Via the highdefinite

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