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A monkey is carelessly enjoying his banana in the jungle when he suddenly gets captured and thrown into space! A brilliant little animation by Emmanuel Gatera, Eric Villeneuve and Antoine Rouleau!

Lovely or what???Although I wonder how it crashes 🙂 Via buzzfeed

We Barbarians directed by Arms Race!! So very good!

To mark the start of summer, Strongbow joined forces with legendary surfing filmmaker Jack McCoy (Endless Summer II), Bali Strickland and Eugene Tan (Aquabumps) to capture Australia’s largest glow in the dark surf attempt at Bondi Beach. Via lenkendall

New music video for Foster The People, directed by Daniels! Enjoy

As seen in many sci-fi films tapes, we’ve been invaded again! Created by MOLI

A very cool stop motion animation created by BURAYAN with the help of Nathalie Lapicorey, Zeynep Gizem De Loecker, Benoit Masson, Vincent Nguyen, François Colou et Fabien Chambert

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