Born to Learn is the first animation in a fascinating series aimed to provide easy-access to the exciting new discoveries constantly being made about how humans learn!
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Take me With you
An encounter between two lonely people in space. An hand drawn animation by Michael Aubtin Madadi
Off Book: The Evolution of Music Online
As the 90s came to a close, the business of music began to change profoundly. New technology allowed artists to record and produce their own music and music videos, and the internet became a free-for-all distribution platform for musicians to promote themselves to audiences across the world. The result was an influx of artists onto the cultural scene, and audiences were left wondering how to sort through them all.
Soon nothing is left but memories
via 3eanuts
Life’s a journey but I’m tired of wasting my precious time in transit
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson!
Image of the day
U know
Music video by Bewilderbeast performing U know. Directed by Adria Ghiralt