Be careful of the sheep that seeks vengeance!!!! An animated short film by Nicole Gallagher, Marie M. T. Tørslev
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Slug Invasion
A bachelor animated film project from The Animation Workshop. Created by : Morten Helgeland, Casper Wermuth, Lasse Rasmussen, Carina Løvgreen, Kirsten Bay Nielsen, Polina Bokhan, Peter Egeberg, Magnus Myrälf, Maria B. Kreutzmann
Somewhere, someone
Cool to know 🙂 via stuffnoonetoldme
Acid Test
STYGG directed by David Strindberg & Johan Bring of PUNX STHLM ! Crazy, wonderful and highly addictive! Epic noise
Misery Guts
Misery Guts is the story of a miserable girl who has to deal with the ground trying to swallow her up. Great stuff written, directed and produced by Abbie Stephens
Web of Evil
via ponderabout
The Zombie Presidents Of The United States
Created by Etsy artist Jeremy Plemon! More Zombieeees here via buzzfeed