A brief animated 8bit guide on how to behave on the mountains! Very very cool. Created by void
Archive for
If you are into motion graphics you are going to love this very fresh video by Ao_fujimori
Remix – The Art of Disney
A glorious remix of Disney Animation pictures from 1937 to 2003, created by Julien Alcacer!
Lonely Boy
The Black Keys first single off their album El Camino! What a brilliant video and finally with vimeo quality! Enjoy
The State of Social Media and Social Media Marketing in 2012
The State of Social Media and Social Media Marketing in 2012
View more presentations from Esteban Contreras
Interesting thoughts by Esteban Contreras
Spreading like a wildfire across the internet! Song by The Zombie Kids (Cumhur Jay, Ikki & Edgar). Vocals by Aqeel. Drums by David Unison aka Pelos. Video by Hugo Cos.
Great character design by Sasha Ushkevich