Interesting thoughts by Graeme Wood from Carat, via only dead fish
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famous photographers and their work
Via Colt-Rane
Grind is a Shuttle
Zula sing Grind is a Shuttle at Crescent Intake Session!Soooo good!
2012 Edelman Trust Barometer: Global Deck
The 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer is the firm’s 12th annual trust and credibility survey. The survey was produced by research firm StrategyOne and consisted of 20-minute online interviews conducted from October 10 – November 30, 2011. The 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer online survey sampled 25,000 general population respondents with an oversample of 5,600 informed publics in two age groups (25-34 and 35-64) across 25 countries.
I Eat Beats
Skittle-based beat sequencer, a tangible and edible music interface! Created by Kyle McDonald. More info about this here
I Eat Beats
Skittle-based beat sequencer, a tangible and edible music interface! Created by Kyle McDonald. More info about this here
If 2012’s Oscar-nominated movie posters told the truth
More to see over at theshiznit