Submissions close February 20, which means you have just one week left to share your best work in one or more of 13 categories. There are categories for everyone, and you don’t have to be a professional filmmaker to submit! Plus there is a new category all about advertising that Im dying to see who is going to win it!! Ok its not Cannes (YET) but still this is something HUGE. So if you made any cool ads you should definitely submit them to the vimeo awards!. This is not only for fame ….grants of $5,000 will be awarded to the winners of each category, and a grant of $25,000 will be presented to the winner of the Best Video Award!
Archive for
Things to say during sex
Click here for a larger view! Via scuffletown! A big thanks to Digital Art for bringing this to my attention
Him Her
This is just perfect! A relationship in type!Created by Nessim Higson
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Supercut Happy Valentine's Day – Bryan Adams… by Spi0n
Ok I promise this is the last one!!! Epic valentines supercut by LOVEFiLM! A big thanks to Mehigh for bringing this to my attention
How Hollywood Says “I Love You”
A supercut by Matthew Belinkie! Pls note that the music sucks on this one! Via buzzfeed
Him Her
This is just perfect! A relationship in type!Created by Nessim Higson