This is amazing! A fable about change. Starring Garren Stitt and directed by Carlos Lopez Estrada! What a wonderful piece of animation
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Geek vs. Hipster
Oh lord according to this I am a weird combination of both 🙂 via geeksaresexy
This is amazing! A fable about change. Starring Garren Stitt and directed by Carlos Lopez Estrada! What a wonderful piece of animation
Dream World
“Dream World”, featuring Devon Welsh, Matthew E. Duffy and Grimes, is the first single from Majical Cloudz II on Montreal’s Arbutus/Movie Star Records. Perfection! Video by Alice Cohen
Geek vs. Hipster
Oh lord according to this I am a weird combination of both 🙂 via geeksaresexy
Lola Dupré
I was just blown away by the amazing art of Lola Dupré!Lola Dupré is a collage artist and illustrator currently working near Avignon in the south of France! Go get inspired here
Snow Circles
This is stunning! Sonja Hinrichsen Snow Drawing! Check some stills from the same event here ! Video by Beauregard and Steamboat Aerials. A big thanks to John for the tip 🙂