An animated film by Katharina Zimmerhackl that is loosely based on “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville …
Archive for
Ollie Falls Asleep
Sublime, wonderful music by Berlinist!!!This is amazing make sure that you also hear the soundcloud file below for a much more clear version
Image of the day
Via pushthemovement
A Shelf Life
Superman bites the dust! A brilliant short stop-motion animation produced for a collaborative project between two illustrators (Marta Dlugolecka and Justine Howlett) and one animator Joe Sparrow.
Die Bettdecke
An animated film by Katharina Zimmerhackl that is loosely based on “Moby Dick” by Herman Melville …
Image of the day
Via pushthemovement
A bit of paint
via roads-of-ruin.