Produced by Mybosswas “Lovely Monster” tells the true story of Sophia, a young woman dealing with a rare and very dangerous condition. Directed by Francesco Calabrese
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Say NO to Crack, Say YES! to Roller Skating
Local commercials rule!! This official commercial for the Roller Kingdom in Reno, NV is sooooo bad that is actually very brilliant! Via buzzfeed
Still waiting
via pinterest a big thanks to Johanna for bringing it to my attention
Alice in wonderland
Unofficial fan made music video for Jenny Mayhem! Created by Lilian, Pieter and some other students of Institute of Arts in Utrecht (HKU), the Netherlands. Enjoy 🙂
Always pass on good advice!
Image of the day
Social Utility: How to Turn Social Media into Social Sales
Social Utility: How to Turn Social Media into Social Sales
View more presentations from Paul Marsden
A short presentation by Paul Marsden oon how social utility can be used to turn social media into social sales. Via Mr Litman