A tumblelog dedicated to everyone’s favorite “little shit” from Mad Men and his endlessly glorious facial expressions. Go check it out here. A big thanks to @LenKendall for bringing this to my attention
A tumblelog dedicated to everyone’s favorite “little shit” from Mad Men and his endlessly glorious facial expressions. Go check it out here. A big thanks to @LenKendall for bringing this to my attention
via sakitoe
An old man on the subway,but nobody offers him a seat! A brilliant little animation by SeanSoong
via 9gag
A tumblelog dedicated to everyone’s favorite “little shit” from Mad Men and his endlessly glorious facial expressions. Go check it out here. A big thanks to @LenKendall for bringing this to my attention
Awesome sounds by Flock of Dimes (Screwed Mix) A big thanks to @yvynyl for bringing this to my attention
A blog that is holding up a mirror to the artsy community. Go check it out here