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via wordsoverpixels

Qwerty is a song from K-Conjog. The stunning video you see was directed by Francesco Lettieri

Very true! More peanuts here

“Candy Walls” by Trust, directed by Eva Michon. A bit old but still very awesome to hear! There is something about this song that makes me want to listen to it on repeat!

Incredible colour footage of 1920s London shot by an early British pioneer of film named Claude Frisse-Greene, who made a series of travelogues using the colour process his father William – a noted cinematographer – was experimenting with. It’s like a beautifully dusty old postcard you’d find in a junk store, but moving. Video by   Tim Sparke.

FYI I will be in London at the 18th of May up until Tuesday 21, so if you want to meet for a coffee or something let me know:-)

A paper-letter animation about the history of fonts and typography.291 Paper Letters. 2,454 Photographs.140 hours of work. Created by Ben Barrett-Forrest

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