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King Krule directed by Focus Creeps. Great stuff

A short film that explores how different people respond to the same piece of music, all captured from the point of view of a vinyl spinning on a record player. The film was created for “Hello, Again,” an initiative by The Lincoln Motor Company that asked filmmakers to re imagine the familiar into something fresh and new. Directed by Wriggles & Robins, Music: ‘Be Happy’ by Amateur Best

Interesting collages to discover over at Joe Webb’s online portfolio

Dangerous by Big Data very addictive! . Big Data is Daniel Armbruster (vocals) and Alan Wilkis (producer).

Invisible figures emerge from a forest to be revealed by bursts of colored powder. Directed by Paul Trillo

via stunningpicture. A big thanks at Marina for bringing this to my attention

Day 2 after summer vacations 🙁 via thisgirl-isnotonfire

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