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Another 70s gem! This time from Ananda Shankar, a Bengali musician who was best known for fusing Western and Eastern musical styles. My apologies for the crappy youtube ads

via trickofthemoonligh

The Orwells performing “In My Bed” for Rollo & Grady Sessions. Directed by Austin Conroy

via e-n-d-o-r

Fuzzy, psych-rock music all the way from Zambia from a band called  Witch


Finally its time for   my SUMMER VACATIONS !!  Finally its time for some rest and for doing nothing at all. So no more posts for a while !   Back with you all at some point , in late August.  Stay Curious  and I wish to all of you  the perfect summer  holidays!

Yet another oldie! This time from The Jamies

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