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This is just incredible!Very unique sounds from Lydia Ainsworth. Enjoy

White Shadows was originally published on The Curious Brain

I so want one of those pls sent me one!!! An Interactive speaker and lamp by Richard Clarkson.

Cloud was originally published on The Curious Brain

superb sounds from TOPS via @ynynyl

Sleeptalker was originally published on The Curious Brain

haha :-) via pinterest

what we are reading was originally published on The Curious Brain

What if you could control your dreams? iWinks’ Aurora headband, can enhance lucid dreaming (dream awareness) by playing a pattern of lights and sounds during REM sleep. This wearable technology may allow us to better understand our sleep patterns and dreams, while providing whimsical, personal dream experiences. From The Creators Project

Make It Wearable | Manipulate Your Dreams was originally published on The Curious Brain

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