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wonderful synth sounds from Resistor! Via @yvynyl

Cordless Phone was originally published on The Curious Brain











wait a minute …I’m not working :-) from the Executive coloring book,

meanwhile @ work was originally published on The Curious Brain

Stunning to watch! Bodies fall from the surface. The water is bright, seems alive. Created by Human Films . Pls note that it contains nudity

UNDER de Kevin Frilet NSFW was originally published on The Curious Brain

This is a short piece that explores the concept of originality.

The topic is full of wonder, conflict, excitement, and subjectivity. For many, originality means drawing inspiration from a variety of sources to create a new idea. The script for “Original” is meant to be an adaptation of this belief; proving that unique ideas can be inspired by existing concepts, objects and experiences. This piece achieves this by combining influential quotes from the world’s most creative minds over the past five decades (Pablo Picasso, Jim Jarmusch, Woodrow, Wilson, Lincoln Steffens, Dieter Rams, Jean Luc Godard etc.) to create a single narrative that defines what it means to be original. Created by Vucko

Original was originally published on The Curious Brain

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