“Teeth and Pill” is a surrealistic and grotesque black comedy short, set in timeless American suburbia.Written and Directed by Andrea Vinciguerra
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SATIN – la famille ouellette ft.greg beaudin & judith little
Nicole is seduced by a handsome electrician hired to repair a light fixture in her living room. Directed by Philippe Grenier
A crowd moving in one direction.People who flow in a moment.A scene where the difference with other people disappears and looks uniform.There are many different kinds of life there.You can feel invisible energy when you see a large mass of individuals. By Hiroshi Kondo
Freaks of Nurture is an animated short about a neurotic mother-daughter relationship inspired by the filmmaker’s own unorthodox upbringing with her single-parent mom, who is also a foster parent and dog breeder.
BEFORE THE WORLD was entirely made from real pollution footage. It represents our careless attitude destroying our planet. Directed by Cyprien Clément-Delmas