Swatch Creart / Grems from THANK YOU on Vimeo.
Lovely work for Swatch by THANK YOU
Swatch Creart / Grems from THANK YOU on Vimeo.
Lovely work for Swatch by THANK YOU
Swatch Creart / Grems from THANK YOU on Vimeo.
Lovely work for Swatch by THANK YOU
Swatch Creart / Grems was originally published on The Curious Brain
Swatch Creart / Grems from THANK YOU on Vimeo.
Lovely work for Swatch by THANK YOU
Swatch Creart / Grems was originally published on The Curious Brain
3D Creature Development from Alex Alvarez on Vimeo.
Ever wondered about how the 3D creatures we all see at the movies are being developed? This video by Alex Alvarez shows the progress of developing such a creature from design to animation in only seven days! Impressive or what?
just vfx test from reanimatr on Vimeo.
Another awesome test from reanimatr! Enjoy 🙂
MvsM / BT Vision / Easter from ManvsMachine on Vimeo.
Lovely animated work ManvsMachine,for BT Visions! Make also sure that you check the Christmas package by the same team, in case you haven’t seen it already
Digital Dimension – Lord Of The Ring, War In The North from Gabriel Martin on Vimeo.
An amazing 3d animation created by Digital Dimension and produced By Warner Brothers.