
Posts tagged press ads

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Amazing new work from El Garaje Lowe, Lima, Peru for 3 Chanchitos Multimarket, via I believe in advertising

Cool work from McCann, Oslo, Norway for Lego! via I believe in advertising

Lovely work by BETC EuroRSCG, France for Electro Recycling, via the adsoftheworld! It reminds me of this one

Powerful work against animal testing by Lowe Pirella for E.N.P.A, via ads of the world
Creative Directors: Umberto Casagrande, Mauro Manieri
Art Director: Ferdinando Galletti
Copywriter: Gabriele Di Donato

Yesterday I saw Zombieland and I thought it was amazing! Today I stumbled on this great work from DraftFCB Paris for Chronic” art Magazine! Zombie overdose for me 🙂 Via I believe in advertising

Yesterday I saw Zombieland and I thought it was amazing! Today I stumbled on this great work from DraftFCB Paris for Chronic” art Magazine! Zombie overdose for me :-) Via I believe in advertising

Chronic’art Magazine: Zombie was originally published on The Curious Brain

Grey Milan has created a wonderful new campaign for SISAL and gambling responsibility! For full credits and the rest of the campaign click here

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