
Search results for so small

The Headless Way is a collection of philosophies and meditations by the late great Douglas Harding on the subject of the true nature of the self. I collaborated with his protégé Richard Lang to create this short video which gives a small taste of Harding’s understanding of the nature of the self through the lens of distance and observation.

Design & Animation – Alex Barnet

Globalization is on its deathbed,” says economist Mike O’Sullivan. The question now is: What’s next? Tracing the historical successes and failures of globalization, O’Sullivan forecasts a new world order where countries come together over shared values rather than geography. Learn how big regional powers like the United States and China will be driven by distinct ways of governing trade, technology and people — while smaller nations will forge new alliances to solve problems.

In this small thriller about decision making and guilt, a young woman responsible for a car accident. She escapes the scene but can’t stop thinking, or imagining, what happened to the other driver. And soon strange things starts to happen… By Anna Mantzaris

The philosopher Spinoza shows us that our minds possess an under-appreciated ability to adopt a broader perspective, from which our anxieties appear vanishingly small – and eminently manageable.

New episode of DOMO DREAMS produced for Adult Swim Smalls
Music by Will Freudenheim
Produced by Dave Hughes
Texturing Sam Wadsworth

Prompted by the death of his grandfather, a filmmaker Duncan Cowles , comes to terms with his feelings of loss by focussing on something smaller.

You are invited to join a deadpan meditation on the end of life, in the company of insects.

In times like these, simple and small things matter the most. Details we’ve never noticed before gain more importance and different meaning: the smell of a nice brewed coffee, an eerie yet soothing silence… Comforting sunbeams squeezing in through the corner of a bathroom window. It’s a time of connection with ourselves, our feelings and emotions. And the warmth of the sun, more precious than ever now, comes to hug us as would our distant but dear family and friends.

Produced by STINK FILMS , directed by The Fridman Sisters (Irmãs Fridman)

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