
Posts tagged gifs

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Looping thunderstorm gifs by Mike Hollingshead. Via itscolossal The title is from the following quote “Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people, cleanse the air” by Soren Kierkegaard

Looping thunderstorm gifs by Mike Hollingshead. Via itscolossal The title is from the following quote “Geniuses are like thunderstorms. They go against the wind, terrify people, cleanse the air” by Soren Kierkegaard

Be a thunderstorm. Go against the wind, terrify people, cleanse the air was originally published on The Curious Brain

The work of Julien Douvier

The work of Julien Douvier

Cinemagraphs was originally published on The Curious Brain

The blog of CAT FRAZIER that is all about animated text 🙂

The blog of CAT FRAZIER that is all about animated text :-)

animatedtext was originally published on The Curious Brain

via felix-ocean.

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