
Posts tagged tumblrize

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Cool as hell the work of the Japanese artist Hakuchi, see more of it here ! Simply click on the Japanese links , after that it is simply a matter of trial and error, if you don’t speak the language! I bet he is big in Japan
This video along with the amazing drawings were made for a school project by a 17teen year old youtubian called Diekexx3, the song is by Saybia!
This is the cover letter of Branden Kramer & Christy Pregont! Young people are by default more talented I simply believe agencies should try and hire more of them!! Out with the old and in with the new is the way forward,via the adfreak

Work  by Hattomonkey, a Russian design firm, via the Dieline

A flashmob , wearing Hammer Pants surprising everybody  in  a trendy store! The american way of doing the T-mobile dance?? I wonder  when this trend is going to fade away?

Song by the Postal Service, what a great cover !The video is a montage of the movie Wicker park.
The best time line sequence you will ever see  about  the history of video games, by Kyle Downes

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