
“The Pumpkin Of Nyefar” from Tod Polson on Vimeo.

This is a wonderful personal hand animated short film that Tod Polson made with Maurice Noble, and co-directed with Mark Oftedal! The film is narrated by June Foray! If you have the time make sure you watch it cause it is truly amazing!

BANDWIDTH / GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS / Everything is Moving So Fast from Bandwidth on Vimeo.

The wonderful Great Lake Swimmers, live and acoustic in the Bandwidth Sessions! Freaking amazing!

And In That Moment, I Felt Infinite from Karen Abad ♥s Dinosaurs. on Vimeo.

This is a bit old but it is still valid and so incredible to watch! It was inspired by Patrick Moberg’s MellowTron! Karen simply asked people to anonymously call and leave a voice message to the question : What is loneliness?

Via I can read

Cool packaging design concepts  for  a tissue box  from the  packaging students  of  Sylvain Allard, via  the dieline

The Bumblebeez “Misfit” from The Glue Society on Vimeo.

The story of a young albeit creative misfit trying to find his place in the world! Directed by the Glue Society for The Bumblebeez! Just incredible

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

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